Add and subtract…..

Don’t know how well you did in Math class….. but you will learn the arithmetic of life the easy way……foreign to most of us or the hard way……familiar territory learning when to let go …..when to embrace takes a lifetime of practice but it changes in content…..but not in reality we have to be honest…

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I forgot to tell you…..but I remember now

I forgot to tell you how much you meant to me I forgot that you tried but I didn’t I forgot to say thank you for all the kindness you showed m I forgot to tell you that I wasn’t capable of loving you….because I didn’t love myself I forgot to say that the truth…

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Adversity is often misunderstood

What I have often perceived as a situation I would rather not face time when on and I began to see it was meant for my good so initially when I am confronted with things that seem challenging to me I remember something is to be learned….a gift of adversity ttucro

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Sight unseen……?

Sight unseen…..what do you mean He’s everywhere I go In the trees, in the breeze….in the rain and snow the gentle winds sing me hymns to glorify His name and I hum along…..He’s everywhere I go – the missteps I take He usually waits…… until I see my directions were false I go to Him…..…

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In case I wasn’t clear…..

I do believe in God I do believe in good I believe what holds me back are things I misunderstood I have been hurt by giving the benefit of a doubt those wounds have taught me …it often hurts to do what is right I believe everyone is capable of being an asset not an…

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I was given this mound of clay….didn’t realize it at first then over time I realized I could make it whatever I want so I started chiseling away the parts that keep me separated from others …..and the person I claimed to be began to take shape so pleased with the results I see the…

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Someone stole my heart….

Someone stole my heart….. have you seen a suspicious person at my door? thank God for nosy neighbors someone saw a 🚗 so I gathered all the evidence and narrowed down my search dialed in to the suspect I made a guarded approach cornering the perpetrator….I approached with cautious steps the closer I got to…

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Makes you wonder…..

I use to be so sure and confident when I was younger age has afforded me the opportunity to resurrect parts of the past I question what I was trying to prove and who I was trying to be do most people have that figured out by now? Or do they pretend to have it…

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