I’ll say it now……EPITAPH

When this part is done……and I’m headed for the


just want to clear the air

I didn’t really care

 bout what others thought of me

some added color to the fair

some I had to get out of here

And a few were brothers and sisters

that walked with me ……at times skipped with me….and a few times ran with me….(we’ll leave that alone)

I would chuckle at the side eyes from people scared to death 💀 of being true to themselves….. being who they are

this is it ….. I love……love….all the missteps I made…it hurt sometimes….. but that’s the way I learned…….

I had a plethora of experiences some only dream of

to everyone I let hurt me……. Thank you

to everyone that disliked or disagreed with me…….thank you

to everyone that loved me….thank you / you might need to see someone

the show must go on……..you can find me in the front row of the Circus

I’m the clown eating the popcorn



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