Coming back…….a thousand miles away

It is not an isolated incident that others have shared in our discontent

so it isn’t foreign when we present the cause of our dilemma

Life is a raft….. that we strive to steer away from the larger rocks 🪨

sometimes we are successful……..sometimes not

when we hit …….we are forced to stop

repair the raft and reflect on what placed us in this spot

upon appraising what went wrong we uncover

we are inclined to agree

that the course of my life ….is best not left up to me


so I leave the raft ……..led to a path that I feel will take me home

999 miles away…….getting closer




  1. Lucy on October 17, 2024 at 3:11 pm

    That’s life looked at in the natural. Lord help me to have spiritual eyes in the midst of this fallen world🙏

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