Tell me you can fly…..

Tell me you can fly hover above the earth 🌍 tell me you can fly you see where it hurts tell you can fly and make dreams come true tell me you can fly and I’ll believe that it’s true ——- tell me you can cry so I can be sure you are real let…

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Be Rare. ..

Be                                                                                kind Be.                          …

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One Mile to Slow…… for Bobby M.

All day, everyday……. Bobby will set by the pond ……. In his head fixing cars and racing…..always racin’ in his NASCAR hat he is still muscular from working in a shop for 39 years fixing cars…… he was a natural….. the Shop sponsored a late model dirt track car set up for short dirt track…….Bobby….after…

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The End ……of the Beginning

My mother is 92……… I’m not her favorite but for now I’ll have to do watching from across the room I watch her fade as the minutes pass we loved each other…. But didn’t always like each other She was fearful as a result of things in her early childhood…..I’ll leave it at that I…

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Adopt a Fire……

Something……..someone…….every……every everybody   Needs something to be passionate about…… just short of worship well……way short of worship Adopt a fire………find that thing that makes you sing makes you smile, think…………and enjoy it will warm the hearts and souls of those around you they will be encouraged to adopt their own 🔥 ttucro

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Before you go …… you need to know

When the spigot drops it last droplets and the wind is ringing in your eyes you know the angels are coming you hear the fanning of their wings no you can’t beg to start over……and you won’t be able to cop a plea just before the lights go off a million photographs will race through…

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Stuart the LionHearted……

My favorite children’s…….excuse me……and one of my favorite books….learned as much from quote “ children’s books “ as any reference, is Stuart Little.” so when I was sent……. It was divinely arranged…..we have walked this path for 19 1/2 years, a little chihuahua mixed with a Rhodesian Ridgeback…….a big dog breed to hunt lions. So…

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From Hell to Heaven

When I started on this journey I thought there is no way that what I had succumbed to might be a blessing someday but now 20 years later i can gratefully say thank you God for my Path wouldn’t have it any other way for from fear of facing my fears I am now embracing…

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Envoi……today’s ending words

It was a very successful day I almost stayed out of the way And I did contribute to the reading these final words can best be heard by walking in the moonlight and singing the words aren’t nearly as important as the tone be joyful and listen for the response of the Spirits they are…

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Often I am reminded how much God has done for me……….then I feel sorrowful for the little that I give A contrite heart is open…….open to receive So I hear the Lord Whisper……” these sacrifices you wish to make…….can be very easily done, make a point to help everyone you can. By extending your hand…

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