The Fine Art…..of listening

I would venture to say that most people hear half of a conversation……. The other half is lost in one being preoccupied or distracted…….. a look away totally disrupts a conversation…….

the learning curve……in my case a circle, ⭕️ could have been shortened immensely by simply being a better listener…….. if you know a good listener…….. learn from them …….they aren’t driven by emotion, they are in control of their emotions……

concentrated focus can be unnerving to someone in a conversation….because they aren’t use to it….if you keep your mouth shut and nod occasionally they will begin to see that you are really trying to listen…

when they get past the initial shock of someone actually giving their full attention to them watch their demeanor change …….. because it will …… from cautious to engaged…….

very cool experience

I would wager that between the two skills of speech and listening …… listening has the upper hand

because most good listeners……speak well when they choose to do so

the Fine Art of Listening……….a very interesting form
