Marbles…….living on a circle ⭕️

I love round things…..we live on one

round things roll …round things spin

We Are all given our set of marbles

at the beginning of the game

how our life goes ……..

Depends….. how you play

your marbles……

circles…….round things bring things

back around…….we get other chances

to learn and deal with those circumstances

that are learning experiences

they will leave the circle ⭕️ when

they are finished teaching and we learn

their lesson

circles have no beginnings or no end

when birth places you in the circle ⭕️

you become immortal…….the energy of you life

will go on forever………welcome to the game

it’s your shot……. take your time

may the circle turn at a pace you can enjoy

you spin the marble

nice shot…… newbie


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