Sunshine found a home…..

You had it the moment I spotted you playing on the swing

we became good friends and went through school together

you were very popular…… to everyone……because you were so unassuming and pleasant

we went to different colleges and kept in touch and made extra effort to catch up on breaks and holidays

You had gotten taller and leaner from cross country


I got the news from my mother

your mother had called her

there was an accident on the way to a meet

the bus carrying your team was run off the road by a tractor trailer


I was devastated….. I came home from school and made arrangements to go see you…….two states away.

On the train I kept seeing your face when I closed my eyes…….that beautiful bright smile…….I really had to fight to control my emotions.

The question “would that effervescent spark that spirit that I adored…….would it be gone?”

We loved each other……we knew it…..but we agreed not to make the transition… least for now


Pulling myself together I tipped the Uber driver and walked into the Hospital. I stopped at the gift shop and bought some flowers….You love flowers.

When I entered the room… were in a wheelchair by the window and you heard me and turned.
I stumbled……catching myself…..Oh my God… was there…..that amazing, beautiful, joyful face. I cried and somehow ended up in your lap as you stroked my hair..

After some time……I managed to raise my head and your face was radiant.  You said….”Robert……get over it…….I have. Just a bump in the road and this is the only life I have……and I’m just getting started.”

Something happened…

I gathered myself and wiped my face……..took a deep breath…..” Robin I don’t know what is going to happen in the next minute much less the future…… but I just had a moment of divine clarity. I have turned the corner…….I almost lost you and I don’t want that to happen again. I want us to finish our studies and when we graduate I want you to be my wife and partner…….I am not spending the rest of my life without you..”

Her face was like a solar flare……sunshine had found a home.

She started laughing and I didn’t know what to do or how to interpret it…….she said…..

“Damn, Robert if I had known losing part of my leg would affect you like this……I would have done it myself…a long time ago.”

That’s my girl…….nothing can stop a person in love with life

(we had 3 kids……we both are Professors at a community college…….. I can really pick ‘em)

(sunshine found a home)


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