Stuart the LionHearted……

My favorite children’s…….excuse me……and one of my favorite books….learned as much from quote “ children’s books “ as any reference, is Stuart Little.”

so when I was sent……. It was divinely arranged…..we have walked this path for 19 1/2 years, a little chihuahua mixed with a Rhodesian Ridgeback…….a big dog breed to hunt lions. So he is a little dog……about 14 lbs…..who has a severe “Napoleon Complex.”

He is fearless and can prance himself into a confrontation in a heartbeat…….with a Lion 🦁 even…..for real.

We have been together for all these years……and even though I still am prone to questionable behavior…….. he never dealt with me drunk. I was sober a year before he was sent…..I’ll leave it at that……

He is dying and I’m trying to prepare myself but I doubt I will be really ready…….

whoever you love….. you better learn to love something……..or whatever you love…… love it hard…..crossover and be vulnerable.   You are going to get hurt…. Bruised and Battered…..they are the most treasured and beautiful scars.

Stu …….ill cry when I roam and look over at the seat your held and presided over….. and probably have to pull over because I’ll be crying uncontrollably……

I picture you in Heaven…….your face on the body of a Lion………Stuart the Lionhearted

Best friend you could ever have……


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