Put it on your Résumé…….”Maker of Rainbows”🌈

Of course people would laugh and think you cracked

But the reality…….is just that…… we make and color our world with the choices we make and the

people we keep


I met a vagrant on a walk through town

He pulled a grocery cart with everything he owned

I could not help to perceive that he was in a festive mood

“Sir” I said “I don’t mean to intrude but would you be  so kind as to share the source of your joy?”

He nodded and replied…”Rarely do I interact with quote “ normal folks” ….  They wear their disdain when they look at my clothes.  But there are things they will never know because they walk on clouds and sneer at the Earth 🌍 below.”

As fate would have I make a great find……behind the dorms at the University…….a plethora of treasure was waiting for me. So diving in the dumpster I was quick to see a warm jacket and a sleeping bag.
Now the coat has a hole in the sleeve and the zipper on the bag has seen better days….. but these imperfections mean little to me.”

“You see I am the Maker of Rainbows 🌈”

” Each of us have gifts that pass through our hands, most will let them slide, but a few like me will be thankful they arrived. I take every opportunity to be grateful for the little I have….. then to be burdened with many things that make me sad “

” Yours respectfully…. The Maker of Rainbows 🌈”


I look for him when I pass by that way….. never to be seen again

but I do practice……


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