Taft’s Disease

I have it………your Son has it to

so much to see….so much to do

some people call it “Wanderlust”

and I call it “Taft’s disease after a grandfather

I saw him once in my life on my way hitchhiking to Los Angeles

Made a few calls and found him

opened the door and he never opened the screen door

told him who I was and he said “well it was good to meet you” and closed the door

he knew my mothers mother look enough to hike her forest and was gone…….a feather in the wind

I never knew my grandmother she died when my mother was 2 years old

say it was pneumonia………I say from a broken reputation and a broken heart
things were different then

I stay away from the hike and run and just go to see and move…..for us with the disease it’s soothing

this is the way it goes with those infected….. you will deal with it and exhaust yourself until you find a place you fit in and don’t feel constrained

Or like me you will do some of each and what isn’t exhausted will have to be dealt with later… like I’m doing now

don’t expect people to understand….. they aren’t like you……. Like addicts or non ……

Taft’s disease had been in remission for a long time

but finally I had the opportunity and courage to imbrace it and my therapy is the road

Taft’s Disease





  1. Ben Orcutt on August 17, 2024 at 5:28 pm

    Very good. It’s too bad we never got to know him or our grandmother.