Pinocchio’s Sister

Allow me to introduce myself

I am Pinocchio’s sister

Yes I k know you know him……everybody knows him

for his uncanny ability to exaggerate anything and everything

he’s not a bad guy…..really

he does a fair amount of volunteer work and is active in the community

but when he gets into something he’s like a dog with a bone 🦴 ……….can’t let go

I suppose he developed the habit of excessive exaggeration from the many fables and stories grandma read to us….. she also suffered from the trait

I have spent a fair amount of time explaining what my brother was referring to….with mixed results

why do I do it…….I don’t know…….love and…..embarrassment…… quite the mixture

I sure you have someone or something in your life that you try to protect and explain…..

it’s a no win situation but we plod along, hang in there……everyone has a little martyr in them


I am that guy’s sister……….please pray for me

One more yarn 🧶 to try and explain what is obviously a lie

I am………Pinocchio’s Sister