Fearless Clown Club

The “Fearless Clown Club” has many notable members

 I however am not one them as far as notoriety

but I do ascribe to their tenets

which are I will seek things that make me happy and the joy is often transferred by my enthusiasm

People have the misconception that comics or clowns

Are trying to make them laugh…..actually they are trying to amuse themselves and that temporary fun is transferable

continued excitement for life is an inside job

we are good for a laugh……not a life…. that’s on you

we dress in bright colors which many would feel uncomfortable wearing , but keep in mind……

we are pleasing ourselves…… because I can’t transmit something I don’t possess

the “ Fearless Clown Club” is open to all

but we seldom get new members

most people are too concerned with what other people think……what others think is none of my business

what I think is my business…..and my business is to explore new opportunities to experience life in all it colors

many of them I love to wear…….because I really don’t care what anyone thinks of me

I care what I think of me ……..and me likes me because I have the courage to be authentic
I got to go

the “Fearless Clown Club” is calling……..toodles
