Momma Lisa

Momma Lisa

works the night shift at the tire factory as an inspector

Her kids are in bed by ten o’clock after homework and chores which they do resolutely out of their respect for all she does for them

Dad is an alcoholic and has been out of the picture for a long time…..and rarely calls

Momma Lisa….

the dealers and hustlers respect Momma Lisa and often knock on her door for good advice that they rarely follow  She’s is the glue that keeps this family safe, focused and fed

they walk a tightrope through the jungle of a tough neighborhood that is riddled with crime and drugs

But her kids are hands off and protected

Momma Lisa’s eldest son is in the Army and sends money every month that he doesn’t know she saves for him

She wants to move but between piano lessons for the girls and the trek to Disneyland every summer and healthy food on the table…. It isn’t in the cards

the girls are good students and should be prime candidates for scholarships….. that’s what she’s hoping for……..

she has a surprise coming this afternoon from her Son …… he found a picture of Mona Lisa in a thrift store in a beautiful frame an Inscribed on the back,

“ Love you Mom…. you are my hero and the real Mona Lisa”

that will hang in her bedroom by her bed where she knells every night before she leaves for work and thanks God for being so good to her

Momma Lisa


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