
The nuts and bolts of maturity is the ability and the willingness to focus on what matters

In your life

Leaving others to find their own way offering opinions or much preferred……..observations only when asked

The well matured mind can recall youthful thoughts without resorting to them

I never want to forget what childhood was like…… being able to use those memories in interactions with children

However playfulness is usually welcomed in the appropriate setting ……….it is not appreciated in the wrong ones…… leading to discretion

Discretion is the wisdom to entertain someone else’s behavior to gain a better understanding of that person, without necessarily agreeing with them…….knowing when to fight……vocally,  monetarily, or rarely physically

Age helps lending experience to formulate thought, but it isn’t a prerequisite

One essential element to gauge your progress is the command of emotion and the wisdom to know when to engage…… when to retreat

