Listeners Win

I have seen it evident time and time again Listeners Win i have seen people of average intelligence rise in position and in compensation above far more intelligent people because they were better listeners In most situations people in the workplace, schools, or at home they will tell you what they want..if you listen  …

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Like most words they can have many different meanings contingent upon the situation, people involved and attitudes the word want……. Can be one of the most destructive desires or… of the one of the most beautiful the best use of “want “ in the verbal and physical sense is after passing the three determining factors…

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Congratulations if you’re reading this you have been granted the gift of life and it is yours to do whatever you like with it my observation has culminated in the conclusion that the common thread that runs through happy people is concern and service to others it became obvious that a life focused on how…

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Thoughts have power

Please do not be deceived/ because you don’t commit an act or don’t speak the words/ ones thoughts are manifested in one form or another so it is imperative those seeking to advance in word and thought and deed/ must be vigilant in guarding what they think about we become a product of our thoughts…

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Spiritual Teachers

Looking for a spiritual teacher? look at the person next to you. the bird on the tree. the wind as it passes. if your spirit is right, they’ll teach you. Spiritual Teachers       ttucro  

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Draining the Wishing Well

Life is strange…. You just can’t tell but I have started to drain the wishing well no issues with dreaming but not under a spell my future doesn’t depend on the wishing well —————————————————————————— more often our efforts are better spent behind the plow of our intent And with the tears and sweat from our…

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Unmarked Graves

There you lay in unmarked graves because my words you wouldn’t obey you supposed I would look the other way now your home is in unmarked graves —————————————————————————— I gave you instruction to guide your ways sometimes they were hard and you turned away but I have reasons for the laws I gave But you…

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Office Manager

I needed to fill this position long ago but like so many things it just got pushed to the side so obviously it didn’t take long before things got forgotten, and misplaced and things were piling up I heard about this “God” Guy that was supposed to be top notch at organizing and sorting out…

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