The Upper Room

The Upper Room in my head has been remodeled and cleaned

I am sure there are spots that will require extra time

to remove the stains that remain…..some will never completely disappear…..and I am working to make peace with them

the old furnishings were worn and frayed and soiled with the impertinence of self deception and arrogance

the paint on the walls were flaking and peeling and needed brightening up

the Upper Room isn’t a restricted 🚫 area but I am selective as to whom I let visit

the reality is I spend a lot of time in my room and the windows are open and the stairs are sturdy and I clean it regularly to keep the thoughts I entertain healthy and considerate of others

The Upper Room has a good neighbor that helps keep my agenda moving towards the “love of others”

My heart ❤️

The Upper Room
