Soul Searching?

Ok so you want to exit the character defects that cause you issues with yourself and others

How noble……you want a star or a gift certificate for doing what you are supposed to do…..

but before you start wading in the mire…. You better know what you are looking for or you’re just stirring up the muck

is it patterns of behavior…..lack of emotional control…honesty……fear ?

until you know exactly what you’re after….it will elude you… will walk right past it

most people aren’t bad…. they are occasionally thrown off balance by things they cannot control and languish over the fact that they cannot control them…..rather then accepting that fact and working to resolve the situation as best they can

a constant eulogy about ones shortcomings doesn’t get anything done….pretty sure you aren’t that good at being all that bad

self loathing is an admission that you would prefer feeling lousy about yourself as opposed to doing what you can to change those feelings

look when you hit a bump…..pump up the tire and fix the flat……

know what you’re looking for and be willing to do and honest appraisal and then work on it

or don’t bother….
