
Thinking I understand why people do the things they do

say the things they say

and act the way they do

when I really don’t

Is far more problematic then what anyone else does ——————————————————————————

I’m far better off to leave those shoe laces untied

and not attempt to wear those shoes

not knowing and not understanding leaves the door open to my head and heart for future revelations

As humans we strive for resolution…. Whether we have the necessary knowledge to proceed or not

intelligence requires me to acquire information from others broadening my perspective and then sifting it through filters that align with my core  beliefs

I believe that without core values we are akin to human tumble weeds….. being blown wherever the current winds and trends are blowing

So I accept there are many things I do not understand and I may appear to be ignorant to some but being true to myself leaves me with the impression that I would rather be sure then pretend

otherwise it is poison
