Office Manager

I needed to fill this position long ago

but like so many things it just got pushed to the side

so obviously it didn’t take long before things got forgotten, and misplaced and things were piling up

I heard about this “God” Guy that was supposed to be top notch at organizing and sorting out problems

So I gave Him a call and our conversation was going pretty well and He kinda caught me off guard. He ask If He agreed to take the position would I allow Him to do things His Way.  I mean this guy was going to be working for me.

He had an impressive resume and His clients adored Him.

Then He said something I thought was strange at the time. He said, “If you let me do things my way, then you will be working for me and it will be a good scenario for both of us.”

I was puzzled but I needed help, so I decided to give it a shot.

Let’s just say everything is running smoothly and when stuff comes up …I let Him do His thing and I couldn’t be happier.

You might consider looking Him up…..He goes by the name of “God”.

Position Filled

