Not a chalkboard……
It smacks in the face the steps you would like to retrace……. but it isn’t going to happen
and the things you can’t forget are meant to keep you from repeating the same blunders again
Much as you would like the teacher to leave the room so you can dash to the chalkboard and erase the lesson ……. She’s taking her seat, taking her shoes off and she’s not going anywhere……..
No there is only one thing that can help…….acceptance and a commitment not to repeat the same behavior again…….it would be bad enough if we just hurt ourselves….. but that would be to easy
we hurt others and the sad truth often we are oblivious to the damage being done….. until after the fact
life isn’t a chalkboard and the only thing that helps is change and time …..but even those only help fade the letters…….but they are still there
Think……. The rewards speak for themselves