Social has little to do with Media

I see no point in compiling a list of people I will never meet and sharing with them secrets that I should keep

I have never understood the validity of gathering as many acquaintances as possible so I can say I recognize their face and perhaps their name

Friends are an accepted responsibility and require time an effortā€¦ how much time you have and the effort you are willing to put forth will determine the quality of that friendship.

So spread your gospel of fear and your beliefs across the Universe through social mediaā€¦ it is the equivalent of blowing your nose and throwing the tissue in the trashā€¦.. no one really cares.

Truly most of us have maybe ten true friends that know us inside and out and love us anyway. Ā You are kidding yourself if you think you have dozens and you will have to admit this is true when the bottom falls out and you can count the ones that call on one handā€¦ if youā€™re lucky.

The only social network that means anything is sitting down with someone and listening to them share about their lives and listening to you share about yoursā€¦.. thatā€™s the only social media platform worth spending time inā€¦
