They say my friend is crazy….

They say my friend is crazy because they don’t understand…. They cannot communicate with her because they don’t understood the wind…. When she mentioned that today on the porch she tasted the sun….. they were beside themselves and pondered what should be done.

You are wild and the money you parents spent on the boarding school would have been better spent teaching you to sail. How many times did you go missing and were found skinny dipping in the lake or perched in a tree talking with the squirrels, I know because I was visiting and helped look for you….

The times you were earthbound you shared with me why the leaves on trees were different and why flowers sing to draw bees to them, I suppose I must be off as well because what you said made sense to me. You told me not to fall in love with you because I wouldn’t be able to change as fast as you and I would be disappointed, I did love you but not as a lover but as a gift that few people will ever experience.

You wouldn’t take the medication and I saw what it did to you. You told the staff and your parents that you had never been violent and you would stay at the facility if they would let you be the amazing person you are without being drugged. You kept your part of the bargain and for three years I would drive the two hours to spend the afternoon with you once a month. I would leave thinking the same thing every time, that I had the privilege of spending the afternoon with the most authentic person I have ever known.

The last visit before I left you said I was the only person in the world you trusted and you wanted to be honest with me but you made me promise that I wouldn’t share what you were going to tell me…..I knew this was going to be hard but I accepted your terms. You took a deep breath and held my hand and said the “people of the woods took a vote and said you would be accepted into their world.”

I kept my promise reluctantly and I new you meant what you said and I started crying.You held me and wiped my tears with your sleeve and said it was time for this chapter of your life to be over and all the preparations for the next chapter were being completed.

I walked to the door trying to keep it together and made it to the car before I broke down. When I was able I started the car and drove home. Shoving something down my throat, showering and went to bed, anticipating the “call.” It was early the next morning when I got the call from your parents you were missing. The records confirmed I was your last visitor and they asked if you had seemed distraught or upset and I said you seemed your usual complicated self.

That was the last time I saw you and no trace or evidence of foul play was ever found.

I won’t mention your name as you wouldn’t want that. Wherever you are, you lived and traveled on a different plane then the rest of us. Thank you for sharing glimpses of your world with me.

You weren’t crazy…..just very different.
Smooth sailing friend.
