
The day is before you borrow some wings and fly….. what’s the use in complaining… …..when you could thrive…… sure they may be a few branches in your path along the way…… move them aside and make it play Everything is as it should be …….keep that in mind…..and instead of objecting…… will thrive ttucro/lover…

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Maybe I could be that man that makes hard things better …. Not by fixing them…..  but walking through them with you….. maybe I could be that man that agrees we see some things differently and perhaps that respect will encourage you to listen to my thoughts as I listen without trying to change…. Only…

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Not someday……today

Someday never worked for me…… did it ever work for you? Seems my dreams slipped away…… the ones I didn’t use. I believe our dreams are waiting to arrive…….but I have to do my part to keep those dreams alive. So I don’t have a timeline but I do have a plan and someday isn’t…

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Wait and see…….

There are many things that challenge me… the top of the list… “wait and see” with my best guess life is still a mystery so I sit on my hands and “ wait and see” much of maturity is still difficult for me but I’m starting to buy in to “wait and see”…. things don’t…

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The beginning of the Rainbow 🌈

The end of the rainbow 🌈 is often referenced in regards to victories, goals or treasures……but let’s not forget the beginning……..chaos Storms…….lightning… thunder….. high winds and hail……. all can and do tremendous damage and destruction…….then it stops The  village… or community is left to sort out the mess and put their lives back together with…

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Faith…….oatmeal of life

I use to detest the porridge aka oatmeal mom would serve for breakfast……. But a little cinnamon, sugar and butter made it palatable. Couldn’t argue with mom’s logic it would stick with me and carry to lunch……and it did. Since then I absolutely love it and appreciate its wholesome goodness. My faith is my life’s…

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Sign language…….

We may not actually know the signing used to communicate with the deaf…… but we all know our version ….. what we do. what we say… we say it and particularly our facial expressions those unspoken gestures and movements that speak volumes…… if we learn to listen with our eyes and see with our ears…….…

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I do not write for those wishing to escape….. my lines are meant to connect those wishing to engage to offer similar feelings that remind others they are neither unique nor alone that we all get overwhelmed at times and need an understanding soul to turn us from despair to hope my goal is to…

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It’s time to let go……

Those old fears are keeping you tethered to a past that has a hold on you and your perception…….it is past time to let them go…….. At present it wouldn’t matter how sincere or honest someone might be…… those old fears have you doubting….. take responsibility for the things you think…..good thoughts…. good actions you…

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The Agreement……

Walking in the city one day amongst the throng of scurrying cars and people I happened upon a jolly little man laughing hysterically…… I slowed my walk and bent my ear to hear any signs that he might be mentally unstable…..I didn’t get that impression…….seemed he had thought of something amusing and was enjoying it…..I…

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