I Still Have a Candle

When I was a boy……..I lost my way and got lost in the woods one day……. trying to determine where I went astray  …………I wasn’t able to find my way night was coming fast and finally I had to accept the fact…… that night I would be staying in the woods I knew enough to…

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That little dash, that separates my present from my past …… has done so much for me that little dash implies to me that was before, and this is now that little break gave me the time to think about where this mule was going to plow …..     I decided to change fields…

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There seems to be invisible fibers that I can’t see…… that connects people, places and things to me….. when I am near them I feel their pull and there is an attraction that’s hard to describe……. does it come from my feelings for them……the comfort and familiarity….do they lure me in…?…[don’t pay much attention to…

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The Eloquence of Simplicity

I choose these words to convey there are things that words paint badly……… or not at all……. Pain……..illness……..rejection……..death………life Take your best shot………ask the person dealing with such issues and they will reel off a litany of emotions and always finish with,”I don’t know”…… But the most challenging and difficult……and most important…….is love Rainbows…….puppies……..flowers………hint at that…

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Snap 🫛 Peas

I know it sounds weird…….  But remember it’s me…..and I have this thing……for snap peas please don’t cook them give them to me…… and I’ll have a feast…… with my snap peas…… I like the crunch and texture as I squeeze all of the goodness from these little peas 🫛 and you may laugh but…

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The thing that has you wearing a frown…….can just as easily be turned around……make applesauce take the best parts and shuck the rest….there has to be a few things that can be salvaged…… make applesauce can’t change what’s in front of you…..best to have a mindset “it will have to do”……… so you do the…

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Accept this beautiful gift…..

Accept this beautiful day….. don’t let this gift slip away…… put aside the clouds that can hide the blessings coming your way……accept this beautiful day……. take note of the birds as they sing……this interlude that’s yearning for spring….. but this refrain would last and the wind and rain will come back…… but just for today…

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I’m sad for you….. move on

Didn’t turn out like you wanted……. But somehow you missed the clues….  I kept trying to tell you… to loud.. ..  but it never  mattered to you…. Now the tapes are rolling in your mind……..I’ve had those tapes too…..I accepted and made peace with mine…. we both could have done better….  You know that as…

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There is something magical when the sum is greater than the parts……and it is….. when we are willing to extend ourselves and it feels natural and comfortable……that’s a good indication that something or someone else is important to you when that conscious concern is expressed and evident……the ordinary becomes extraordinary and life takes on a…

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I learned the hard way……

It’s not so bad when I recollect the many times I have slipped and let my emotions overstep…..but it was worth it because now I accept……it had to be this way to learn on any given day that if I don’t seek to be led, I stray and struggle to get back on track and…

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