Treasure Chest…..

I sold the gold…..actually gave it away….the watches and clothes….. things I had collected lost their meaning to me ……. What I wanted I couldn’t find, took a long time to understand the problem was in my mind. Took much pain and a broken heart to realize I had never done my part. Didn’t matter…

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From Fearful to Fearless

Talk is cheap and you like to preach but let’s take let’s take stock of what you’ve got and see where we go from here You say you believe this and that and how it’s changed your life……but let a pebble fall in your path and lash out and explore You have a habit of…

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Crossing Over

I would like to thank you for the bridge you helped me build………by calling me on the many things that have come up from my past……they have muddied the waters and made things difficult for us………they no longer serve me and it’s long overdue………to cross this bridge to freedom……so I can start anew I appreciate…

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When I Accept All Is Well…….

When I set aside my demands……and let things be……… I am more times than not glad I exercised flexibility. Not ashamed to admit that I am not always equipped to handle adversity………. If I can relax and recall circumstances in the past and how they sorted themselves out………. Then confidentiality I can say…..everything will be…

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When it comes back to you…..

You’re already lost if your motivation for doing kind gestures is expectation……. You’ll be disappointed almost every time……. But when a recipient sends those actions back to you reciprocating…… it is complete…… that is the essence of the “Circle of Love”…….. ttucro

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Louis Vuitton ❤️ Heart

I had a heart transplant a few months ago and the new one I have …… I could never afford…. but instead of going shopping I make a decision to receive…… the heart that was always intended for me…… I misused the gifts that where given to me and my selfishness and self centered approach…

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Not Enough…..

It’s really not enough to be grateful and appreciative of all the amazing blessings that have transpired in my life…….there is only one reciprocal payback…. to exhibit that gratitude through my behavior towards others……and to share those gifts 🎁 It’s not enough…… but it’s not a bad attempt ttucro  

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I am aware that I fixate on things and then ponder on them……. I suppose everyone does that to some extent……I don’t know….. but I do Eating with chopsticks 🥢 has always been interesting to me and challenging….. but over the years I’ve learned……there is a technique…..everyone seems to have their own Life is very…

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Alphabet Soup

Wasn’t particularly found of the plate in front of me, although I like soup and I like grilled cheese….. I suppose it was my attitude that needed a reminder….i was fortunate to have it…. I tasted the vegetable soup and took a bite of the grilled cheese and my attitude turned to gratitude, then this…

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