The Eloquence of Simplicity

I choose these words to convey there are things that words paint badly……… or not at all…….


Take your best shot………ask the person dealing with such issues and they will reel off a litany of emotions and always finish with,”I don’t know”……

But the most challenging and difficult……and most important…….is love

Rainbows…….puppies……………hint at that elusive description of this feeling……..

The transfer of this emotion is difficult to discover until you meet and understand the paths traveled by  that person up to this point……their losses…..their victories……..their joys and their sorrows……their hopes and dreams…….until then you’re just guessing….

On your way to the goal of heart and mind consciousness………when you are stumped….humility and Patience go along way

the Eloquence of Simplicity……..try a beautiful smile of gratitude 🙏