I Still Have a Candle

When I was a boy……..I lost my way and got lost in the woods one day……. trying to determine where I went astray  …………I wasn’t able to find my way

night was coming fast and finally I had to accept the fact…… that night I would be staying in the woods

I knew enough to clear a spot and sit my back against a rock and hunker down for the night, fetching a branch that was near I did my best to fashion a spear….. just in case I was attacked

the night grew dark and it got cold ……all the wood was covered with snow…… but I remembered deep in my pack …..I always carried a candle and a waterproof match….

I lit the candle and sat it on a stone in front of me…..I let the candle wax drip and secured the candle to the rock……

I became immersed in the light and it warmed me and made me feel safe…….sometime later I drifted into sleep and awoke to a hand touching me and my Father said “ Son I’m happy you are safe”

On the way home I recalled the feeling I got from the light……..and my Father said, “I hope it stays with you for the rest of your life.”

And it has……that candle is still burning 🔥
