The Agreement……

Walking in the city one day amongst the throng of scurrying cars and people I happened upon a jolly little man laughing hysterically……

I slowed my walk and bent my ear to hear any signs that he might be mentally unstable…..I didn’t get that impression…….seemed he had thought of something amusing and was enjoying it…..I am often guilty of the same scenario and I suppose people look at me much the same way…….questionable…..

I decided to go for it and introduced myself….. he motioned for me to have a seat and brought his enthusiasm down a few notches……

He said, “My name is Arthur and taking a break from a nice walk I decided to renew my agreement with time… can be done and I have found it to be a worthwhile contract.”
It reads……” I Arthur Tinsley acknowledge “Time”,  your presence and commitment to keeping things on track. Having given proper respect to your Authority I ask for permission to enjoy what you bring to me and also for the many things you don’t…..I am aware there are many. I again wish to renew our contract wherein you agree to be gentle with me and let me pass the many check points with no incidents. I realize you are required to keep a tally of my days ….. but again I ask that you not snicker or rub it in as that tally expands.You have graciously accepted the token of my appreciation throughout the years and I wish to seal the agreement as previously discussed. Thank you as always for your support and consideration.”

“ Okay…….kinda strange but cool,” I said,”but what’s so funny?”

He reached in his pocket and produced an empty bottle of expensive tequila. He started laughing again and managed, “that was the token that seals the deal….. I stopped drinking and he gets a free drunk on me every year to celebrate my abstinence…..time is omnipresent so I sit on this same bench every year and pour the tequila right in the gutter…..where I used to be.”

For several years I made it a point to be there for the event on the appointed day at noon. Arthur didn’t come last year and I assumed he has passed…..but he sure made an impression on me.

I have made my own agreement thanks to Arthur…



  1. Vicki on January 13, 2024 at 11:23 pm

    outstanding…so fabulous ..would you consider submitting to winners circle??