Stale crackers……

Funny where I have been and what I have seen……

I have dined in a palace and ate beans from a tree….

Rode on a camel’s back and had an elephant hug and kiss me…..

I have had luxury suites and slept in the mud….. and wouldn’t trade where I am for all the money in the world….

I once fancied silver and had a cache of gold but over time their value changed and I finally let them go….

Had a chef prepare my meals and drank expensive wine…..

but nothing can compare to my present state of mind…..

I do not diminish the finer things for they have their place…… but I no longer worship them and most just take up space…..

As I sit by the woods sharing a can of tuna with my dog…….we both have a taste for stale crackers and glad we had them to share……

Stale crackers…….

ttucro/collector of smiles