Play the songā€¦..

Itā€™s not about how good you areā€¦. Or rather you deserve applauseā€¦ā€¦ Itā€™s not about approval or just making noiseā€¦ Itā€™s about a feeling and expressing your experience, so others can relate to you and you can relate to themā€¦. So there is a song within you and they are many ways to play the…

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Enclosed please find a coupon for one free ride with meā€¦ā€¦I can show you things you have never seenā€¦..And the best thing about the coupon, I will benefit tooā€¦.. because I get to see a new world šŸŒŽ through the eyes of youā€¦. Climb on boardā€¦.. Ttucro

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How long do I have?ā€¦ā€¦.

How long do we haveā€¦..hard to say Another way to look at itā€¦.we just have today, any more than that I couldnā€™t say. Thatā€™s really is the best way to live, doing the best with what we have and trying to be of service to others. How long do we haveā€¦..can never be sure, but…

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I think the best answer one could offer when asked, ā€œHow are you doingā€, would beā€¦. ā€œIā€™m improving.ā€ Isnā€™t that what we are striving for, or at least it should be. I have never met a person that felt they were completedā€¦.. hope I never do.Doesnā€™t seem possible on this plane. We can get better…

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The aftermath of acting to fast has caused me and others great amounts of pain The simple act of pausing is often very challenging to me But I have paid a high price for reacting when the information wasnā€™t clear and instead of asking questions I assumed that I knew So slow to act has…

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Teachers teachā€¦ā€¦

I have never met a teacher that had the gift to teachā€¦.. that only taught in a classroom Teachers teach and the best teachers present their wisdom in a non threatening or confrontational mannerā€¦ā€¦ A good teacher has the ability to communicate on the level of their students and coaches them along prodding gently and…

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Walking into wallsā€¦ā€¦I decided to take a seatā€¦..I hadnā€™t given upā€¦ā€¦decided to take a breakā€¦. I accepted I was doing something wrong and determined to change my waysā€¦..what I decided the problem wasā€¦.. it was me I had failed to realize that an important part I missed, if I wanted certain things I had to…

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Heart Song

I kept hearing a melody ā€¦.followed me throughout the dayā€¦ā€¦tried to determine where it was coming from but itā€™s origins I couldnā€™t say So I enjoyed the company and it escorted me as I went alongā€¦ā€¦slowly I had a sense where it was coming fromā€¦.. That song wasnā€™t familiar to me but I was aware…

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