Humpty fell……..

Humpty fell and lived to tell of his precarious life on the wall….. from his vantage point he felt he had it all …….leaving the rest for me and you

the problem you see was he needed you and me but he didn’t realize it at the time….. so as he went along he forgot he lived on a wall and was subject to fall if he wasn’t careful where he stepped

one evening he slipped and lost his grip tumbling to the ground…… the pain was great and it was late and no one heard his call……

the morning came and he surveyed his domain and suddenly he felt very small….. in his attempt to be Lord over it he realized he had no one to share….. his fortune was amassed and hidden on the wall and he spied a shepherd boy attending one of his flocks….

He called to him and said he needed a hand in rising from when he fell…… the boy came and it was plain to see that he had little respect and didn’t seem thrilled to help…… but he offered his hand…..

That was it….. he was glad he slipped and he spoke kindly to the shepherd boy……..”I will show you where to look to gather the treasure I have saved…. for I am old and it’s just gold and now it means little to me…… be my friend and we will spend this fortune I have saved….. we will build a little town where people will gather as friends and children will laugh and play”…… and they did

Humpty hired workers to tear down the wall and used the stones for the foundation of the school….. Humpty fell……but realized nothing can replace the love and kindness of others…….

what are your walls?

ttucro/collector of smiles