Art of Suffering

It’s going to happen……..someone or something will ruffle your feathers and you are the only one in the world 🌎…… singled out because you pulled Sally’s pants down in the second grade…… you knew it was coming but you didn’t know when … it is….. payback

last week it was repercussions from stealing change from the kitchen drawer for ice cream when Mom said not before dinner….. she never knew……but someone or something did …….

That philosophy permeated my thinking for half of my life…….then it dawned on me like a 747 crashing into my head…….

it’s just life…….I started recalling all the thoughtless, selfish and vile things I have perpetrated in my lifetime……if it was all about action and reaction…..I wouldn’t have made it this far……

In the scheme of things the scales have tipped in my favor……. Sometimes pummeling me in the process but I survived

stopped labeling and cleaned out the attic of antics and let bygones be bygones…… past is past the damage and pain have been inflicted and dealt with

I’m just calling it even……that seems reasonable at this point…… trying not to put more sticks on the pile ……… tired of picking them up

ttucro/ collector of smiles