Against all oddsā€¦ā€¦good place to be

I am betting I get my wishā€¦ā€¦.I deserve it for I am willing to give more than what I asked for I have received the confirmation that a plan had already been devised but it was temporary suspended because i kept getting in the way Reprimanded ā€¦ā€¦..I accept the costā€¦..more delays The virus has almost…

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Wounded Bird

Iā€™m trying wounded bird to be patient with you but itā€™s hard i hear your laments and your excuses and they are wearing a bit thin I understand you need to ventā€¦ā€¦ but it feels like a wind tunnel test chamber and it being directed at me full force thatā€™s uncomfortable Wounded bird you are…

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When the rains come

Often when the storm comes there is little warning One must be prepared at all timesā€¦ā€¦ get the hell out of the way and follow Gods instructions the hardest part isnā€™t the doing itā€™s the listening the average man can pull himself together enough to Ā plug the holesā€¦.patch the roof and bury the dog tearfully…

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Song in Your Heart ā¤ļø

The hiker rose from his sleep and said hello to the day. Securing his bedroll he gathered the few pieces of equipment and began walking the trail to his destination. The fall season was his favorite time to stroll through these majestic mountains. Then as appreciation for Godā€™s handiwork grew as he trudgedā€¦.He heard a…

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When good enoughā€¦..stops being good enough

when ā€œ good enoughā€ meets ā€œ possibleā€ it starts shaking in its šŸ‘ž the same old same old has lost its luster and a tiny ray of light is searching for a way inā€¦ā€¦it will find it coasting is fine if youā€™re riding a bike but it wonā€™t get you up the hills in life…

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He woke up dead

A friend calledā€¦ā€¦his voice was shaky and I could hear he was undoneā€¦.He said ā€ I woke up early before the sun raised its headā€¦..I didnā€™t recognize my surroundings so I assumed I was deadā€¦..a gentleman ushered me to a seat in front of a stageā€¦..the lights were turned down and the curtain was raisedā€¦..…

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Give yourself permission

I give myself permission to be the person I was intended to beā€¦ā€¦.void of the hindrances that others would like to place on meā€¦ā€¦.. Not afraid to follow the beat of a different drum and willing to make changes in the direction of my trajectory as the voice of my soul guides I didnā€™t jump…

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Influence vs. control

No one likes to be controlledā€¦ā€¦.heavy handed turns everyone off and trying to turn the direction and mindset of anyone is the equivalent of punching someone in the face and asking them to be your friendā€¦ā€¦. but carefully placed suggestions presented in a non threatening mannerā€¦ā€¦.can be very influential avoid trying to controlā€¦ will lose…

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