Buyer’s Remorse

“Damn ………….hope I did the right thing”…….catching backup to reality……I sense the second thoughts syndrome spinning and spamming you bought into the picturesque description of the possibilities…….  That are indeed there…. Time will flush out the grouse if the are hiding in brush……it’s just hard to see everything when you turn out the lights it’s…

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Until it’s gone…….

Little by little the things that become ordinary slowly slip away… sand through a hourglass the connection of touch becomes random at best and rarely intentional and you don’t even realize it… just get numb and complacent…. watching a young couple in the gym struggle to keep their hands off of each other and frequently…

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I kissed the sky…..

Feeling my oats……I decided to try……so I gathered myself and kissed the sky Her response…’was wondering what took you long…..the only things you cannot do …..are the limits you place on you… anytime you want to try……remember you kissed the sky” yes I did ….and will again ttucro

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Born Twisted

Stopped asking why…….. an accepted it stopped blaming others..…owned my part Shifted my self centered mind to empathy and concern for others realizing that my willingness to help others……healed me born a little twisted……but I’m starting to unwind ttucro

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More than enough…..

What is the best use of abundance? Sharing……sharing the overflow keeps the exchange in correct proportions…… I cannot give unless I receive……I cannot receive unless I give…..cliff notes for a simple and abundant life……. I cannot out give the source…..never happen we are never given anything that isn’t meant to be shared…… that’s the best…

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Just so you know

I wasn’t expecting anything……I suppose that’s what made it special I listened to what you said and your words were clear….I suppose that’s what makes it special I think that investment we made will pay off handsomely…..I suppose that’s what made it special Just to be clear….just so you know you made it special ttucro

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Keep Stirring It Up

I think the best plan is to keep things stirred up….…never let the dust settle and when it does pray for a gust of wind…..keeps the air moving and keeps things from getting stale. never let the dust settle ttucro

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Calculated Risk

I knew when I started climbing this tree it would be a hard climb……why did I place the rope and start climbing……..I wanted to see what was at the top so I took a calculated risk once you have attempted a difficult climb…..the rewards are overwhelming whether you make it to the top or not…….…

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Sorry you didn’t get you way

I can’t explain why some are saved and some fall through the cracks…..I don’t know I cannot offer reasons to make sense out of things that don’t make sense…..I don’t know I hear the pain and pain an anger because God didn’t do it your way and you want answers that I don’t have…..I don’t…

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