
“Perhaps” was my favorite word for a long time….. but it has been replaced by “Sometimes”….. Because everything is vulnerable to “sometimes” sometimes ttucro  

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Just one of the clowns

Just one of the clowns that hangs around trying to remember what he was talking about… just one of the clowns that writes it all down…..holing you will know what Im saying…… One of the clowns that still believes Santa Claus is real…. He just dresses differently….. Just one of the clowns that believes in…

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I bend…..I break……I cry…….I laugh……I fear…..I believe…….I doubt…… I trust……trust is broken…..I  blame…..I accept responsibility….. I lie….. I cheat……I steal…. I give…..I gain….I lose…..I love…..I hate……..I forgive…….I never forget I live……I die I am Everyman……… ttucro  

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Before She Slipped Away….for Joan G.

Be careful with people you love to make sure they know how you feel…….what their relationship means to you and the impact they have had on your life…..nothing can bring them back…….when they are gone they are gone…….their memories will be bittersweet…..but you will be able to heal more quickly if you said what was…

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Alone with GOD?

Yes I know what the inference is ……that no other people are around…… but it is still a misnomer If you are with God and God is in you…… You are never without God nor alone with God Never ….. ttucro

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Talking to Strangers

All Humans have experienced calamity in their lives…..some bury it so deep an excavator would be needed to bring it back up……. Others set it aside and refer to them as an occasion similar occurs…… they don’t hide from them but they don’t live there…….. Those are people that can relate to turmoil in the…

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Just like you……

I know people who assume they always know what they are talking about….. x I know people that rely on others to make them happy…..x I know people that pretend to be things they are not……x I know people that swear they always tell the truth…..x i know people that live chasing a dream……x and…

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Grow where you are planted…….4 Danielle

I’m sure you know someone who seems to never find their way and unless they make drastic changes they remain lost…….careening from one mishap to the next —————————————————————————— then their are others because of their personality and drive are going to be productive no matter the circumstances or adjustments…….. they grow where they are planted………

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You have not seen what I have seen you have not tasted what I have tasted you have not dreamed my dreams you have not loved whom I have loved You have not lost what I have lost you have not gained what I have gained you have not walked in my shoes Nor have…

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