The Pie with No Filling

The old man sits by the window and stares……the fields are overgrown and the barn is leaning and empty……

He remembers a time when life ricocheted from one end of the farm to the next but that was when the kids were here and the menagerie of animals seemed to forever be escaping from their allotted spaces and the little ones chased after them. Life was chaotic but good.

After a day of frenzied life on the land peace seem to visit nigh of 8 o’clock and nothing was better than a smoke on his old corncob and a jar of Ma’s dandelion wine……but that was a time ago and now life seemed like a pie with no filling…….

He was the only one left and he wasn’t complaining….. life had been hard but good and it seemed only fitting that one last pie shell rested in the freezer and there it would remain……with no filling…….

those days were gone
