There’s A Soul in That Hole

There’s a soul in that hole……but I can’t reach him

i can’t fathom the thought of walking away

you and I can find a way together to help our troubled brother

so you took off your belt and asked for mine and fashioned a lead that was short but strong

you motioned to the hole and got down on your stomach……asking me to grab your ankles…….lowering you torso into the hole

our brother finally felt the lead and grabbed on

you pulled and I holding you ankles slowly pulled backwards……..

wasn’t long before I saw a second set of hands emerge and soon a head……we got him

peering into the hole the pipe that was leaking ruptured and the hole was filled with water in seconds

we saved his life…….in silence we sat on the curb and through tears our friend said in a wavering voice, “thank you “

we nodded…..I shook both of your hands and walked away……blessed beyond belief because two strangers did together what I alone couldn’t do….

together is how we make a difference