The Wanderer

There is no cure for the wanderer……. Not family…. Not friends……Not even fear can constrict for so long…

the end of the page is the beginning of another and time aka life will find him yearning for a different angle of the sun….a bluer ocean ……and of course the trees that walk at night ……

typically the wanderer shackles himself toying with the notion that something is wrong with him and he needs to change….this diversion can go on for years…..until he comes to the crossroads where he is willing to lose everything gained in his diversion…..or lose himself

I chose not losing the latter……

Painful to give up partners, friends and family for undetermined periods of time …..

but the call of the unknown and yet unseen is too much to disregard…….

there is a price for everything and everyone…..

the wanderer will pay all….all for the caress of the wind on his face