
There’s a boat leaving in the wee hours of the night and I plan to be in it……walking on the wharf I spot the vessel and walk the plank…..rising and falling with its sway……the Captain motions his hand and I am cleared for passage. I am a known stowaway and I earn my keep by…

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Only the Bravest

I’m of the opinion in the last quarter of my life that only the bravest of the brave live truly authentic lives. Few of us have the integrity or the wherewithal to go against the grain at times in an effort to remain true to ourselves. Often we are more concerned with fitting in than…

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I lay myself prostrate on the magic carpet of life…. Releasing the notion I know what I need……much less what I want ….in favor of the cornucopia that the cosmos brings ….and pray for the wisdom and patience to savor every bite and every drop…… bring it on……..Aladdin waits……I have rubbed the lamp Ttucro

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The Loudness….of Silence

The Leviathan that is reluctantly leaving…… dragging his feet…….and in the silence you hear the thunderous grunts of defiance…….screaming, “ I am going but you will bare the scars of my presence for a long time”……… laughing in a cascade of “boom, boom, boom,” that accompanies the retreating…….. He might be right about the damage…

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The Candle in Your Eyes /for Miracle Jen

Doesn’t take long to see the light from the candles in your eyes…..that light fueled by a caring compassionate heart that finds opportunities to heal….born to be a teacher and healer…..and acknowledged as such…… impressional people are impressed with impressive people…….especially when they are humble shine on ttucro

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Shedding the Weight of Time

Time is experience and experience induces memories that either consume us or are filed away for occasional reference and reflection….. the ones that continue to consume us thwart the experience of new experiences and barricade us from the present……. they are a problem and need to be dealt with……anything that keeps us tethered to the…

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Solar Power by Liz

One brings the power of the sun into their lives in many ways……smiles…..kindness…..compassion and concern……generating an atmosphere of gratitude for the many possibilities and potential of life…… the art of wearing the sun comes by learning to wear it on one’s heart thanks for teaching……..L

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After the Anger

When the pain and hurt of disappointment ease and the weight slowly dissipates from you mentally and physically…….. you question was it really worth carrying…… People do and say things driven by emotion and fear…..we hurt when we hurt and if we have learned anything……. we heal when we heal forgiveness is the only want…

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The Wanderer

There is no cure for the wanderer……. Not family…. Not friends……Not even fear can constrict for so long… the end of the page is the beginning of another and time aka life will find him yearning for a different angle of the sun….a bluer ocean ……and of course the trees that walk at night ………

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