Learning to love both sides

Both sides of the coin have so much to offer……sometimes addition….sometimes subtraction…… more than gain or loss ……a different perspective and only certain things can be learned on either side…..one side without the other would be the ultimate tragedy……….ttucro

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We See Through Our Minds

So often it is apparent to me that I question what my eyes see……I must constantly be aware that my mind what me to see what it wants me to see……and not what is really there …….careful with those eyes Eugene…….. ttucro

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Come back for more/for Amelia and Cici

Life is that good…..we come back for more the leaves of the big banana tree slap each other pushed by the wind and frozen…… they look weary and defeated…..as they were never intended to exist in the climate of Virginia…… but they do thrive from  April through November….until they succumb to the colder temperatures……. They…

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Faith Tree

The Lord planted a seed in me…..a seed that sprouted a tiny “Faith Tree ? “…….but it became clear to me that I needed to water and care for the tree…….there have been times when my care was marginal……..when trouble came I had just enough faith to get through the ordeal…..but not without cuts and…

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The greatest fraud you will ever experience is “yourself”……..to be authentic is the measure of a warrior…….. ttucro

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No place like…… here

Because here is where everything is happening…..  not there…..   not yesterday….not tomorrow….., but here….   Here is where I live and focusing on anything else is folly …..I’m here and your here….. nowhere else…. ttucro

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