Archive for August 2021
Workout Partner
The day seems heavy Lord and it’s just begun……I need your help to get things done. …..please help me to pause and think things through……so the tasks ahead I need not redo……amen………. Ttucro
Read MoreWhen u get there
When u get there u will know because everything has started to slow and what you thought was boring is now enchanting…because you have taken the time to see…..eyes finally open….. ttucro
Read MoreIn Thy Sight
For it is good that I remind myself that God can see the real “me”……I have no need to try and pretend or endeavor to hide my fears ……for I have surrendered my life to Him and and He keeps me by his side….ttucro
Read More? broken hearts for Phillo and sta…c
Broken heart you will mend when your grief seems like it will never end……and another door appears and what you always wanted is right there ….. and you can’t believe it’s true …..just just remember God will never give up on you…….don’t give up on Him….. ttucro
Read MoreThe Helpful Hand / 4…S. Metox
The helpful hand is always ready to be of service…..accompanied by a willingness to give……offers me patience that always amazes me…..God the master coordinator graced me with a friend and cohort on the journey of faith in a complex world……a great reminder that there are many of us and we must praise each other for…
Read MorePeople in pain
People in pain often rain on everyone they meet……help then if you can but be careful where you stand….because wherever they go they leak …….ttucro
Read MoreRenew
The drink of water is like the comfort you seek for a body that is tired, a body that feels weak……..the same can be said for the trials of life……. We must renew our spirit each day by going to the source……..God
Read MoreKnowing Your Demons
Get to know Your Demons…. that’s the only way to defeat them….. ttucro
Read MoreKnowing the Truth
Knowing the truth puts us on a precipice…. We can pretend to ignore it …..or we can step out into the great unknown…..the courage to take that step is the difference between faith and the lack thereof………either you do or you don’t ttucro
Read MoreThe Great Compromise
So we feel a power outside of ourselves and we want that power inside…..we learn about that power from others and soon realize that is their concept and we need to find our own…,and we do….. doesn’t take long before we realize that we aren’t going to live up to the ideals we are presented…
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