Take Control

Regardless of what you think…. you have more control over your life than you think…… but you have to take it….. reach for what you want….work for your desires and what you glean from the harvest be giving and generous….nothing is ever meant just for us alone …….occupy the space you have been allotted with…

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Fellow Travelers

Disappointment and expectations are the best of traveling buddies……expectation sets up the demands and disappointment endlessly complains when they arenā€™t met……hire another transport…..ttucro

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Love and Control

Control is not a part of love…..it is domination…..love cannot flow nor grow in a controlled state ……..if you profess to love something or someone and seek to dominate it….perhaps you should check your motives and you thoughts on love….ttucro

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The Language of Love

Nothing can stand in the way….of the language of Love…….kindness and concern are hard to hide…….a smile can speak volumes…..and a touch can feel like a thousand hugs to a person in distress……..the language of love knows no borders…….ttucro

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The POWER of Silence

You are not obligated to enter into any conversation…….if you choose to enter in you have cut the amount of control you have at least in half and perhaps even more….. words not spoken seldom lead to controversy… ttucro

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If it isnā€™t that much trouble I should do what I can to fit in……. doesnā€™t require me to sacrifice my core personal agreements than part of…… is the way to go…..otherwise itā€™s my ego striving for uniqueness….. ttucro

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