
Change is inevitable……the quality of the change is the direct reflection of society as a whole……which should give us all pause for concern…….ttucro

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Mentally Stable

One never appreciates being at peace mentally….until one is not…..there are times when the hardest task is to hold captive and dismiss thoughts that go against your core beliefs…..and it happens to everyone….to a few  only a few times in their lives to others occasionally and to some moment to moment….feed your mind well….your sanity…

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The Consistent God

I worship a consistent God who is never far from me ……leaves me to my own devices until I have reached a dead end…. softly ask to let Him drive and we are back on the road of  life again…… grateful for a consistent God.       Ttucro

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To The Love of Friends

truer than the love displayed by partners, wives and thieves….for friends make a decision to accept you as you are….they know your limitations and they don’t focus on your scars….they aren’t trying to manipulate you in the direction of things they want…. greet you with a smile and send you away with an embrace….same routine…

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Better than nothing

It is becoming apparent to me that those few who might remember me will do so regarding me for what I was not as opposed to what I am….I suppose all things considered…I cold have done worse…… ttucro

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I limit my understanding when I place restrictions upon entertaining thoughts I don’t like…….because I don’t like them doesn’t make them invalid….. ttucro

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Regained Control

There is much freedom to be had in determining the proper order and timing of things that need to be done…….there is only so much time ….. but I must exercise a say in how it is to be spent if I am responsible for my life…. ttucro

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