Always room to grow

When you are on a spiritual high note ……. be grateful and enjoy the time…….then try to go a day without a negative thought or word…..realizing there will always be room to grow……donā€™t linger long on the pedestal…..ttucro

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Evening squib…3/8…21. Denial

A rock ? is never in denial …….but I am not a rock and my emotions and how I handle them often put me in situations that I handle poorly and do my best to justify my behavior…..until honesty prevails and I admit I cannot move forward until I right the wrongs of the past.…

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Afternoon squib…..less than zero

Often my behavior is such that I think about removing myself from society…..and I have a cabin in the middle of nowhere waiting for me….but Iā€™m a debtor….and I am indebted to God for His Grace in removing the compulsion to use… He has work for me to do……so it wonā€™t get done in the…

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Morning squib…..3/8….21. Safety ? Box

What a great place to be….sigh of relief…. that the things I treasure most cannot be taken from me… appreciation for my faith… assurance of salvation……the love of family and friends….they are safely protected in my heart, Ā  Ā  I can give them away…..but they cannot be taken from me…….ttucro God said…ā€go where I lead…

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