
A arduous day and a tasty evening meal found me dozing as I sat by the fire…..as I wandered through the chambers of my mind…..I found you sitting in a chair by the window eyes focused on the sky……as I came nearer you were aware of my approach and you began to speak without turning…

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Gods Pardon

I have admitted I have made mistakes and continue everyday…. but I have been granted a reprieve if I am trying to get better along the way…. Gods Pardon

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Pain of honesty

The pain of honesty is healed by the power of truth…..it will set you free…..but in the process you will probably endure several lumps and bruises….. ttucro

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And A Recipe for a Great Life

Love like you want to be loved Give with no expectations when in doubt….. bite your tongue and smile speak clearly….softly and only when necessary find the God of your understanding and talk with Him frequently…… that should work nicely ttucro

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