evening squib……………..2…..23……21 the one in the corner

this is for you……………….the forlorn one looking out the window…….watching the birds fly……….what it would be like and what they might be thinking……………..i have entertained those questions and perhaps many more similar to yours…………….we know there is more……….more than what we see…………….more than what we hear…………..more than what we feel……………..and sometimes we find ourselves in the corner staring longingly out the window………..realizing no matter how hard we try to attune to it all…………….we will fall short…so much escapes us and our attention rewards us with glimpses of the rainbow……….but not the rainbow……………………………..i remember your mother telling you that dreamers miss the magic of reality………………………………………….and i will never forget your response………..”mother dreamers are the only ones who see reality”…………..she looked puzzled……………..and walked away……………..i shared that corner with you many times when fewer than a few sentences passed between us for hours………………..when i can’t find you……..i remember where i can find you………………….you and i are dreamers……………….i am fearful of staying there to long…………….afraid i won’t come back………………..you………………..want to go there………………..and could care less if you ever came back…………………………………

the news came by way of a deacon who went to the ”church of the divine pretenders”……………..as you called it

you were dangling from a tree outside your bedroom window……..with a note addressed to me ….it read ”sorry only friend who tried to meet me there…………………couldn’t wait any longer…………….hope to see you where the flowers actually speak and the birds will tell me what they are thinking……………….in flight…………..till then……………..Lewis”

for you friend………………the forlorn one sitting in the corner