the choice

the ‘Spirit’ came to me…………..’little seed i shall make you a tree……………….and your part will be a leaf……………..I will let you pick the tree………………….but i would be careful because there are different leaves on different trees’………………………………….

so i began to inquire about the roles different leaves play on different trees………………….

the evergreens said we never shed our leaves and they spend thier lives growing on the branch they are assigned too………………….safe and protected………………….

various other species shared their leaves appeared with the warmth of spring and flew away as winter approached…………….traveling wherever the wind delivered them……………traveling many paths until they decayed……………………

i thought long and hard and reasoned that the length of life mattered little compared to the quality and experience that it encountered…………………

when the ‘Spirit’ came again i offered my choice…… be a leaf on a mighty oak tree…………the spring found me sprouting from that mighty oak and the experience of that life gave me great joy and fulfillment……………………

so when i had finished that position my experience lead me to choose roles that offered me the greatest exposure to life on this beautiful plane…………….

the emphasis being on the quality and little regard to the quantity of time in that position………………..

what’s your choice………..