any given day

on any given day…..i can get in the way………….blocking the light i strive to see….

catch myself in doubt, which fear is all about…….but i can dig it up before it takes root………………….

i can put fear in it’s place…………a seat near the light………………..squirming away in God’s Rays……… starts to shrink and fade……………….

the challenging task is recognizing when fear attacks………………taking it out of me hand’s and placing it in God’s…………….

on any given day…………..i have a choice……… be under the guidance and burdens of this world……………….or the direction of the Creator of the Universe………anty up on that one……

why entertain the illusion of control when He has all the cards……..funny when He wins……i win too……………….doesn’t always seem like that at first…………

yep…………that’s the way it goes…………….on any given day