the gift/how much is it worth to you

that gift that God gave you when He sacrificed His Son…..what’s it worth to you….what’s it worth when everything around you is in turmoil but you still manage to find comfort knowing the King has accepted your invitation to come into your heart and soul…… you better know in the depths of your being that…

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sometimes to be quiet is to condone

you struck a nerve in me and i could have walked away but sooner or later someone was going to challenge you it might as well be me……………………….i agree there is a time for silence then there is a time to speak…………………………….. i told you what you didn’t want to hear…………….that’s on you not me…

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the man i once knew

the man i once knew doesn’t live here anymore……………………he didn’t actually move…………….he more accurately faded away and was replaced by a man more aware of the astonishing miracle of life and the magic and mystery that surrounds it…………….. in all it’s forms……………….. i watched the transformation and molting take place and it was both enlightening…

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the correct intention

the correct intention surpasses the verbiage in offering condolences or congratulations……………………………………………. the look on ones’ face transcends all words and conveys the truest emotion because the faces expresses the feelings of the heart………………………….. a tender touch for a solemn occasion……………………a hearty hug for a joy filled event………………………………… i can scarcely recall an instance where my…

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