
life has it way of hardening us…………’s trials and tribulations matters little of your station in life………….humans have issues, rich and poor if we fail to celebrate and acknowledge the good things………..the blessings if doesn’t take long before our hearts and our minds…………are ‘lipidified’……   turned to stone

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window into heaven

human nature adds curiousity…………we want to feel…… touch……to see hoping for a glimpse into heaven….. sitting as still as we can be…………….we gaze at the grass, the birds and trees and yet we still feel something is missing….. in our quest to get a glimpse into heaven so the search begins each day, over and…

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before you fall………………………stop

when thoughts entertained lead to regret…………the only solice one can take is to acknowledge improvement has been made……you didn’t act on it so what use to be an action that had ended in mixed results now is just a passing thought………………..that you stopped before it took off perfection, no…………improvement always

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good thoughts should be shared/bad thoughts arrested

i should like to share with you the pleasant thought your face brings to my mind i hope you will see that my intent is virtuous and kind sometimes the things people do go unnoticed and that is fine but every so often it is good to acknowledge what they are doing for mankind ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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when my train has run it’s course and my ticket punched the last time i hope the conductor will smile at me and say he enjoyed having me on the ride that i had grown quite a bit from when i first boarded the train and he was aware that i helped others to ride…

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where i direct my thoughts, my feet are prone to follow……………so it behooves me to constantly monitor my thoughts………….. my focus determines my direction……… is the wind in my sails………….i am responsible for where my ship travels and i steer the rudder with my thoughts……. the illusion that thoughts are harmless……………has been smashed…………as i have…

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wisdom no longer eludes me………… subdues me and our relationship has developed from an appreciation of clear and concise there are few words necessary to describe the beauty of simplicity wordy diatribes are an attempt to convince the author and justify their beliefs i suggest to you that the truth is always right in front…

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no one wants to be burdened by a burden

if your walk is heavy and the load you bare is hard……………..there is only one solution……………………give it over to the Lord He may not take it from you but He will help your carry the load…………..and give you the strength and wisdom to weather the burden and learn as you go there is something there…

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do you show evidence

to proclaim his name is no call to fame……………..the object is less me and more of Him……………..but i must seek to exemplify His Work in me or i shall be deemed an empty vessel that speaks of hollowed ground…………….and sounding quite hollow……………… either i show His Presence in my life and actions………………………..or my words are…

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own it

nothing worse than an almost apology…………….why even bother…………..someone was wrong and more likely both had a part………………own it………. dancing around the issue is like sticking you toe in the pool………either you are going in or you’re not………………….. very distasteful to be approached by someone hinting they may have been inconsiderate or disrespected you…………..worse than food…

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